Beyond Rare Giant Ground Sloth Associated Leg

  • Age:
    Early Pleistocene
  • Location:
    Central Florida
  • Species:
    Eremotherium eomigrans

This is a beyond rare associated giant ground sloth leg up to the knee. All elements are associated and from the same individual. Included are the tibia, fibula, astragalus, calcaneum, and pes comprised of seven elements that have been glued together. The preservation is immaculate with every last detail intact and incredibly crisp. This specimen would look fantastic mounted on a custom stand. In 25 years of dealing in Florida fossils, this is the first associated Eremothere leg that we have ever seen!! Absolutely incredible museum quality specimen that will make a very impressive display. Truly beyond rare specimen.

Due to the size and weight of this specimen, the website's shipping estimate will not be accurate.