Very Rare Male Spectacled Bear Upper Canine

  • Age:
  • Location:
    North Florida
  • Size:
    2 13/16 in
  • Species:
    Tremarctos floridanus

Through the years we've offered maybe 15 total female spectacled bear canines, only 3 male spectacled bear lower canines, and ZERO male spectacled bear upper canines. This is an incredibly rare tooth. It is fully intact, though it does have some enamel erosion on the lingual side of the enamel. Attractive milk chocolate root with glossy dark chocolate enamel. Natural wear to the tip like from crunching on the bones of prey (DNA studies have shown that this species of bear was primarily carnivorous). This is a remarkable and solid tooth that is a 10 on the rarity scale. Impressive tooth; it's even better in hand than the pictures portray.